GC Purfurvid Tang of Toxicate

Red Mackerel Tabby & White
Persian (ELH) Female
This beautiful girl is sired by GC Purfurvid Pistol, DM and her dam is CH Purfurvid Paramore. She is the full sister to GC Purfurvid Ametralladora Patria. As a kitten she was doted on, especially by my daughter, because she was so sweet, cute, awkward and had a huge clumsy head! Pushy grew to have such an amazing head, lovely boning and short cobby body. I was very excited about the quality of this lovely girl!
Pushy was shown and granded by Tracey Dalton and Shelby Friemoth. A huge THANK YOU to them! She granded at the Phoenix Feline Fanciers show on December 10th, 2011. Thank you to all the judges who loved her and made it happen!! Pushy is our very first ELH Grand Champion.
Tracey kept Pushy since her husband, Ralph, became attached her. She was spayed in June 2016.
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